Make a one time or recurring monetary donation
The Steel Thread Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible.
Monetary donations directly support the mission and objectives of The Steel Thread Project. Funds received go towards the following:
Recurring services and subscriptions such as website/domain fees, Zoom subscription, Dropbox subscription, software subscriptions, etc.;
Research trips to National Archives and Records Administration facilities as well as other research hubs;
One-time equipment expenditures (as needed) such as display tables, stands, binders, laptops, etc.;
Office and operational supplies; and
Other expenditures approved by The Steel Thread Project Board of Directors.
A link to our PayPal account is below. If you have any questions or prefer to mail a check, please contact us at info@tstprakkasans.com.

Interested in donating or sharing photos, letters, memorabilia, items from a personal collection or being interviewed? Have questions about reunions or trying to make contact with your battle brothers? Are you a relative of a 3/187th Vietnam Vet and trying to learn more?
The Steel Thread Project is always seeking to connect and communicate with Veterans and their families. We would love to hear from you and welcome any questions, comments, conversations and/or feedback.
Contact Us: Send us an email! Please provide your name, your connection with the 187th Infantry and some specifics regarding your inquiry or request.
Terms of Use: To better understand how The Steel Thread Project will use you the items you share, please take a moment to review out terms of use. Or send us an email.