Echo Company Scrapbooks
Scrapbooks on this page are organized by year and individual contributor. Please scroll down to view all contributors and click on their scrapbook to view their photo collection. Photos, images and collections remain the intellectual/personal property of the contributor. The Steel Thread Project is displaying photos, images and collections with the contributors permission.
Content under construction.
1968 - 1971
Speak Their Names
Echo Company suffered their first soldier killed in action on March 13, 1968. The final loss of life for the company occurred on October 14, 1971.
This gallery is dedicated to the Echo Company soldiers who did not make it home. They will not be forgotten.
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1967 - 1968
November 67 to November 68
Sochocky, Pat
Pat Sochocky deployed with the Advance Party of the 3/187th in November of 1967 during Operation Eagle Thrust.
Click on picture to expand gallery and view description. Content under construction and only partially completed.
February 68 to September 68
Suit, Grover Lynn
Grover Lynn Suit was born on February 18, 1949. He joined the Army at seventeen and arrived in Vietnam in February of 1968. He served with Echo Company - Recon. Lynn was killed in action on September 7, 1968 during a battle near the village of X Sa Nho.
Lynn's collection is courtesy of Lamar Spinks, Lynn's cousin.
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March 68 to September 68
Horner, Carl Nicholas M
Carl Nicholas "Nick" Mapes Horner was born on October 12, 1947. He was drafted in 1967 and arrived in Vietnam in March of 1968. Nick was assigned to the 101st Airborne Division, joining the 3/187th, Echo Company - Recon. Nick was killed in action on September 7, 1968 during a battle near the village of X Sa Nho.
Nick's collection is courtesy of Larry Horner, Nick's older brother.
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